
Additional Practice for USACO Gold

Author: Nathan Wang

Congratulations on making it this far! Here are some final tips for Gold, as well as additional practice problems you may find useful.

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What Now?

After completing this section on the USACO Guide, you should be comfortable with the topics that have historically appeared in the USACO Gold division. In order to maximize your chance at promoting, you should aim to practice by doing more problems.

Uncategorized Problems

Below we list some problems that we think are roughly Gold level but don't really fit in previous modules. The difficulties listed here are relative to the Gold division (difficulty is subjective and isn't always accurate though). We'll be expanding this list as we get more problem suggestions.

StatusSourceProblem NameDifficultyTags
Old GoldEasy
Show TagsBFS, Bitmasks, DP
Show TagsSorting, Stack
Old GoldEasy
Show TagsBitmasks, DP
Show TagsDP, Knapsack, Math
Show TagsDivide and Conquer, Stack
Show TagsSP

Final Thoughts

Refer to our FAQ to find more problems to practice. You may also find the How to Practice module worth reading. Best of luck on future contests!

Module Progress:
